C. W. Spinks' site "The Trickster's Way." Online
journal and extensive bibliography on the trickster. http://www.trinity.edu/org/tricksters/materials/newpubs.html
French translation of my article "Magicians Who Endorsed Psychic Phenomena"
Terry Keith McCombs' page on the trickster http://community-2.webtv.net/TerMcC/Trickster/index.html
Satirical site on remote viewer Prudence Calabrese http://www.pruwatch.com
Dana's site http://www.starkittys.com
UfoInfo website, with many links. http://www.ufoinfo.com/
Parapsychology Foundation. Links to articles on
parapsychology. http://www.parapsychology.org/dynamic/060400.html
Bill Beaty's site. Extensive links to paranormal
sites. http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/weird/wclose.html
Myth & Mystery. Huge number of paranormal links,
with convenient categories. http://www.mythandmystery.com/
Edmund Meadows' website. A variety of paranormal
links. http://www.viking-z.org/
Chris Davis' website. Lots of alien-related
links. http://www.alienobserver.com/links/aliens.html
Barrie Schwortz's Shroud of Turin website. http://www.shroud.com/menu.htm
Michael Rogge's Psychology of Spritiual Movements. http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/psymove.html
Quest for Wisdom site. Many links.
Karen Terese's ghostpage. Lots of paranormal links.
Dowsing Links
Radionic Association http://www.radionic.co.uk/Links.htm
At the Edge magazine http://www.indigogroup.co.uk/edge/dowsing.htm
Leylines and Dowsing Site http://www.leylijnen.com
Skepticism Issues
Jim Lippard's site. Many skeptical links. http://www.discord.org/skeptical/Critiques/
John Caton's Skeptical Investigations http://www.skepticalinvestigations.org/aboutsi/index.htm
Daniel H. Caldwell's site. Many skeptical links.
Rocky Mountain Skeptics http://www.rationalmagic.com/RMS/rms-links.html
Robert Todd Carroll's Skeptic's Dictionary http://skepdic.com/
Steven Schafersman's Humanist and Skeptic Website (lots
of resources) http://www.freeinquiry.com/