Table of Contents
here for an annotated Table of Contents
1. Introduction
here to read the Introduction
Part 1
2. An Overview of Tricksters From
Mythology, Folklore, and Elsewhere
3 . Ernest Hartmann’s Mental Boundaries
4 . Victor Turner’s Concept of Anti-structure
Part 2
5. Mysticism, Holy Madness, and Fools
for God
6. Shamanism and Its Sham
Part 3
7. Michael Winkelman on Magico-religious
8. Max Weber, Charisma, and the
Disenchantment of the World Download
Chapter (190 KB PDF)
9. Cultural Change and the Paranormal
Part 4
10. Prominent “Psychics”
11. Conjurors and the Paranormal
12. CSICOP and the Debunkers
13. Small Groups and the Paranormal
14. Alternative Religions and Psi
15. Institutions and the Paranormal
16. Anti-structure and the History of
Psychical Research
17. Unbounded Conditions
18. Government Disinformation
19. Hoaxes and the Paranormal
Part 5
20. Reflexivity and the Trickster
21. Laboratory Research on Psi
22. Totemism and the Primitive Mind
23. Literary Criticism, Meaning, and
the Trickster
Part 6
24. The Imagination
25. Paranoia
26. Conclusions