Books by Marcello Truzzi
Truzzi, Marcello (Editor). (1968). Sociology and Everyday
Life. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Truzzi, Marcello. (1969) Caldron Cookery: An Authentic
Guide for Coven Connoisseurs. Illustrated by Victoria Chess.
New York: Meredith Press.
Truzzi, Marcello. (Editor). (1971). Sociology:
The Classic Statements. New York: Random House.
Manning, Peter, K. and Truzzi, Marcello. (Editors). (1972).
and Sociology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Peterson, David M. and Truzzi, Marcello. (Editors).
(1972). Criminal Life: Views From the Inside. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Truzzi, Marcello (Editor). (1973) The Humanities
as Sociology: An Introductory Reader. Columbus, Ohio: Charles
E. Merrill Publishing Company.
Springer, Philip B. and Truzzi, Marcello. (Editors). (1973). Revolutionaries
on Revolution: Participants' Perspectives on the Strategies of Seizing
Power. Pacific Palisades, California: Goodyear Publishing Co.,
Truzzi, Marcello. (Editor). (1974). Sociology for
Pleasure. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Truzzi, Marcello. (Editor). (1974) Verstehen:
Subjective Understanding in the Social Sciences. Reading, Massachusetts:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Jorgensen, Joseph G. and Truzzi, Marcello. (Editors). (1974)
and American Life. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,
Truzzi, Marcello. (Editor). (1975). Chess in Literature.
New York: Equinox Books/Published by Avon.
Truzzi, Marcello and Springer, Philip B. (Editors). (1976).
Social Problems: Essays in Relevant Sociology. Pacific Palisades,
California: Goodyear Publishing Company, Inc.
Lyons, Arthur and Truzzi, Marcello. (1991). The Blue
Sense: Psychic Detectives and Crime. New York: The Mysterious